Lesson Four: A Legacy of Stewardship
I. Introduction
II. Generations of Stewards
- Builders
- Boomers
- Busters
III. What is estate planning/planned giving all about?
- Builders
- Boomers
- Busters
- Long range planning
- Family/government/wise stewardship
- Impact on the next generation
- Promote stewardship
- The Foundation it s role in stewardship
IV. Teaching children about the stewardship
- By example
- Our giving of $
- Our giving of our time
- Our giving of our talents
- By sacrifice
- Responding to God s call even when it s not convenient
- By teaching
- Talk to our kids about financial matters
- Encourage them to give
- Discuss campaigns, special missions projects
- Let them be a part of the decisions
V. Putting it all together - a lifestyle of stewardship
- Excel in the grace of giving
- Seek God s stewardship style for your life
VI. Questions for Consideration
- Should every Christian have a will?
- How should we teach our children about stewardship? Home, church, Sunday School, etc.
- How can a family make stewardship a priority?
- How can stewardship bridge generations of Christians?